29th September '11 This weeks round up ...

Published on by jodysnaturewalks

I am trying t do a weekly blog and do a round up as its easier as there isn't a lot to see at the monment. I always say that don't I then when I share I think well I have been blessed again this week, with some rarities.

We have almost had two seasons in the space of a week. One morning I am walking in mist and crunching on the autumn leaves and dodging falling acorns through the Copice, and next its like the hottest summer day with Speckled Woods and Dragonflies around me.


Monday evening over the Mere I saw the most stunning sunset, the sky and lake were just so orange and beautiful. I took lots of pictures, heres one for you guys.



Tuesday was the misty damp morning and I had the pleasure of a  flock of Yellowhammers joing me on my walk. The cobwebs were all clearly visable and covered in the morning dew, spectacular. just a shame I am petrified of their owners, when no-ones at home I can get near to photograph.


Today  bumped into my Mentor Chaz and we had a pleasant walk over the Marsh and Mere . I had my Dragonfly lesson and we managed to capture on camera a few species, amazing really as its rare I get to see them land.

 Also got to see Shovellers, Teals, Gadwalls and Wigeons.


Last  Friday I ventured over to the Wildlife trust reserve at Morcroft Wood in Darlaston.This was my first time over and it was a nice walk through their woods but the pool was full of rubbish it was a bit upsetting. I saw several types of Ladybirds in that one space, which was nice.


Enjoy the rest of the lovely weather and have a lovely weekend, see you next week.

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